How We Can Help You
ICRA is Volunteer Run
ICRA is an all-volunteer organization (we have no paid staff), with limited resources. We receive more requests for help than our volunteers can possibly respond to. Because of this, we focus on helping community members who are able to help them most with fixing problem they call us about. We give urgent situations top priority — pregnant females, newborn litters, injured cats, and so forth.
For the same reasons, we can’t help with every problem that involves cats. Our focus is “community cats” (free-roaming and unowned cats, whether friendly or not). Our core activity is trap-neuter-return (TNR), which has proven to be the most effective and humane way to solve the problem of community cats.

Through our Community Assistance Program we can offer you:
- the loan of humane traps and training to use them
- appointments at spay/neuter clinics
- instructions and assistance with cats recovering from spay/neuter surgery
If you are able to foster the socialized cats or kittens you trap, we will, when possible:
- list them for adoption on our website
- help screen potential adopters and supervise the adoption
- show the cat(s) at our South Shore Petco adoption events
ICRA does not have deep pockets, so we ask that you make whatever contribution you can to the costs of spay/neuter surgery or other medical care needed for the cats you trap.
If you need help with the community cats in your area, please fill out our Spay/Neuter Assistance Request Form, or for non-spay/neuter inquiries, get in touch with us at